We are back online! It seems so appropriate that we (re)launch now as the 2017 solar eclipse nears and clears away stagnancy and opens us to new patterns, new opportunities. It has been nearly a year since we took Mandala Tea offline while transitioning out of the brick and mortar shop and we are joyful to be back with you.
As I write to you, I sit in the tea room here at Mandala Tea, sipping some 2006 raw (aka sheng, raw, uncooked) pu'er tea. I am transported to a mountain I was on during my last tea trip to China. I am moved by the recollection, almost to tears. Such fond memories of the homeland of tea!
There are two type of pu'er - I'll refer to them as raw and ripe - and if you've had one type and found it wasn't your groove, I encourage you to try the other. For even though both styles are referred to as pu'er tea, they are horses of a different color.
Tea, second only to water, is the most consumed beverage in the world. Curiosity leads us to wonder what’s so special about this historically significant drink.
Tea, the wonderful beverage that I (re)connected with 15 years ago, is like a steady and trusty companion who reminds me that no matter how fast things seem to be moving, there is always time. Time to sit and remember. Time to be with friends. Time to meditate, to practice yoga. Time to recall memories that may or may not be mine. Time to take care of myself and to care for others. Time to be of service. Time for compassion and time to laugh, cry and rejoice in this often confusing life.