Wonder Brew - BPA free
Here is a great gadget that we began sourcing for the coffee and tea houses that we wholesale to. When customers saw this device in action at those places, their next stop is Mandala Tea. Without further a-brew, we present the Wonder Brew tea maker.
Add the leaf, pour in the hot water, steep to desired strength and place the Wonder Brew on a cup, mug or sharing pitcher. This causes the device to strain and decant just the brewed tea, leaving the loose tea behind in the brewer, ready for its next steeping! How easy is that?!
The capacity is 16 ounces and can be used with smaller cups simply by pouring less water over the leaf. A great invention and it's BPA-free! Comes with its own coaster, too.
Keep it looking brand new with our exclusive Smart Soak Tea Stain Dissolver