Tea Inspired Poetry

Tea and tea time has inspired many people to begin writing poetry. For long-time poets, tea is a muse that fuels decades of poetry writing practice. It is during tea time that I find my mind drifting to thoughts and times that aren’t always mine. Tapping into the quiet space that tea time brings forth, the mind is freed of other clutter and creativity flourishes there.

Especially right now, as so many people spend their days in isolation, the time is ripe for sitting quietly with self, pouring some mindful tea and seeing what comes up and out onto paper. Such joy!

Without leaving the house
oh, the travels I took!
From mountains shrouded in fog
to streams that had rounded
many a large boulder.
I sipped with the masters,
dined with peasants,
made calligraphy for the Emperor.
And all by the third cup!
- Garret

If you are so inspired, please share some of your tea inspired poetry with us on our Facebook page! We’d love to share it with our audience if you are so inclined.

May you and all beings breathe fully and healthily.

With love,
